Lateral Thinking

Throughout our education, we are accustomed to think in linear or vertical manner.If a => b, and b => c, then a =>c.2 + 3 has to be 5. It can’t be 6. It can’t be 4.If you increase the temperature of water to 100 degrees centigrade, it boils.There can’t be any ambiguity in these.Vertical ...

Sapiens : A Brief History of Humankind

It is only once in a while that one comes across a book that challenges every things that one has taken for granted for long and makes them rethink their entire belief system. This outstanding book by Yuval Noah Harari is one of them.History, as we come across, is predominantly a chronicle of happenings and ...

A Short History of Nearly Everything

The science we study in schools can be compared to the tasteless sugary ice cream shoved carelessly in a wet conical-biscuit by the village ice-cream vendor who comes every Tuesday on his bicycle. No wonder, the study becomes repetitive and fails to ignite the passion in us to go further in time. Few of us ...
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